Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Been a while...

Well seriously nothing exciting is going on. It's weird not having a job. I feel really weird not having something I HAVE to be at. It's nice but weird. I am already showing, believe it or not.. I can't believe I would show this early. I feel fat as a cow. I never thought I would already have to find some maternity clothes!! Our home is still not sold.. we are working on it. I am starting to get ancy. I just want to get it done and over with, so we can move on. Anyway... that's it for now. Ta ta


Andrea said...

Showing already? Are you sure that there is just one baby in there? lol.

Melissa E Photography said...

K, I seriously doubt you are showing already. :) I feel like a cow, but I'm thinking it's because of the Wendy's I had for dinner. Dang!

I think I'm due around March 1, but I'm going to the doctor on Monday to make sure I'm as far along as I think I am.

How cool, we are pregnant at the same time!

Lara said...

I really doubt you look as bad as you think you do. I'm so excited for you! Good luck on selling the house.

Anonymous said...

wow, showing already. How exciting, at least you'll get therw the 'fat' stage fast, then you'll look nice and pregnant!

Sarah said...

I feel like a cow too! this is fun that me, you and mel are all prego together!