Today marks a huge milestone. No longer are the days where I take my kids to the same school and know that they are going in together as a team. No longer are the days where I know my son is going to watch over his sister, or that his sister can go find him if she has a problem. I remember when I was pregnant with London thinking, one day they will be in separate schools but I won't need to worry about that for a long time. Uhhhh the time is now. The years have passed and we are at this point already.
I walked Isaiah in to his jr high school. I saw his face was nervous but not wanting to show it. He didn't know where his locker was. He didn't know where his homeroom was. I literally had to go help him find his locker and open it. I saw so many 7th graders with big scared eyes looking up at me asking for my help. I left the school and knew the rest was up to him. Now all day I am thinking about how each class is going. On pins and needles waiting to hear.
London went to her school and was all alone. No older sibling to turn to. I felt sad! She was one of the tallest in her class. Stop growing beautiful girl.
So blessed to have the most perfect children. Yes they fight. Yes they drive me crazy, but they are perfectly imperfect.
Now onto 2017- 2018 school year.