Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So funny..

I was in the other room and as I was walking in... Isaiah didn't see me and he said, "Londies, don't you dare look." I looked up and saw a love scene on Days of Our Lives... and I sat behind and watched to see what he did... he started feeding himself some yogurt with his eyes closed... So I walked in and changed the channel and he turned to me and said, "Thanks mom for changing it." I tried not to laugh out loud..


sissyann said...

That is one of the cutest things I have ever heard.

Unknown said...

This seriously made me cry I was laughing so hard. I love him.

The Skinners said...

that is so cute, hopefully he stays that way his whole life!

Unknown said...

That is so hillarious! Ben does the same thing... he always says, mom can I never look? and closes his eyes when there is like a girl in a swimsuit!