This is the kid of the week in our home.. he is special in so many ways. Besides the fact that he is smart, outgoing, sweet, sensitive, amazing karate master, and the best big brother... he is now in big boy school. I'm totally mixed on it. I'm excited for him though. I walked him through the halls the very 1st day and it brought back SO many memories. Don't all schools smell the same? I remember having a lot of my first moments in school.. when your friends hurt your feelings at recess and you go in crying.. to wanting to have your teacher pick you first while you are raising your hand as high as you can.... and then thinking this is just the beginning for him. So many positive and negatives that go on from here on out. I worry about his feelings especially because he is extra sensitive. I wish we as parents could shield him from all bullies or friends that don't include him, things of that nature. But instead I do what every parent does and LET GO. It's a hard concept and I think I will have to remind myself constantly - it's out of my hands. For so long he has relied on me for everything and now he is becoming independent enough to do it himself. That alone is a struggle for me but I am excited to watch him grow up and succeed - I am very proud of him already, and he is only 5 years young. This is obviously the 1st day of of kindergarten for my oldest and first child. Isaiah is the child that wakes up every morning with a big smile and is already for the day.. before I even wake up .. he makes his bed and cleans his room (mandatory before tv watching). London on the other hand, not so much!
Tonight I was cleaning the bathroom while listening to Isaiah talk to London.. If any of you know Isaiah, he is extremely scared and sensitive to the dark and night time. So this story is that much better knowing that.. London decided that SHE would be scared and not want to go to bed. So Isaiah was talking babyish to her and saying .. Londs, you know how you love babies? All you need to do is dream about being a mommy to LOTS of giggling babies then all that bad nightmares go away. Just think of things you like and it will help (this is exactly what I told him 5 minutes earlier). He also said, I know what it's like to be scared but I am not anymore.. because I just looked outside where I thought their were monsters and there was nothing there! So we will make sure you are safe London.. cause we love you.
Oh it definitely put a big smile on my face. How grateful I am for their relationship and how sweet Isaiah is to her. After a really long day and not having any patience left in my body.. that helped my whole night just to hear that small little conversation.