Friday, September 23, 2016
my boy

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11:42 AM
Labels: Isaiah
Friday, June 24, 2016
Enjoying the summer
Then afterwards we went to an old cafeteria style placed called the Lion House. The kids loved and laughed probably the whole lunch and I am sure they were laughing at me. But I enjoyed just watching them laugh regardless of what they were laughing at. lol. Later in the evening, we rode our bikes to the Farmer's Market by our home. Spent an hour there. Got home and watched a movie at home. I felt fulfilled after creating so many memories in just 12 hours. These kids are my happy place. They both are my best friends and I really enjoy them in every way. Can't wait to see what else we will do together this summer.

#summernights #summer2016 #naturalhistorymuseum #lionhouse #farmersmarket #bikeriding #singlemomlife #lovinglife #happiness #yolo
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9:34 AM
Labels: Isaiah, London, single mom, Summer
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Student Council
I am so proud of this kid. It's not easy to put yourself out there and "trying out" for student council at Odyssey Elementary. He needed two different Letters of Recommendation from people that are outside of the family. On his own he chose his Scout Master and our Bishop in our ward. I didn't want to be doing this for him. I wanted him to learn to ask for these things on his own. I listened to him make one of the calls requesting that he would be willing to write this for him. He handled himself so well. Here are the two letters that were written for him:
Just like mentioned in these letters, Isaiah handles himself very well with adults and can carry on a conversation with them very easily. I really believe he would do a fantastic job at being a leader. As a mother, it's so hard to watch him go through this process cause you don't want their little fragile hearts hurt. I have tried explaining to him that this is all a learning process and no matter what, there will always be new adventures just like this. Today is the day he meets with the board and is interviewed for the position. I took them to school today and Jake had him dressed so adorable. I actually saw a little piece of paper that he was holding and reading. On it was a few different columns and above it said "What I do well" and another "What things I could bring to the position" . When I saw this, he realized and quickly folded it up and put it away. I was really in awe of my little dude. He had sat down and taken the time to make these lists. I wish I had a picture of it for memory purposes but I will never forget that cute little list. There is no doubt he would be a great leader, if he doesn't make it, I know that he can try out again for another position and no matter what will help others at some point.

#student council #elementary #proud mom #odyssey elementary #single mom #working mom
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2:17 PM
Labels: Isaiah
Friday, May 20, 2016
lunch days
Last week after London was being a little stinker and she actually got out of the car to go to school without giving me a kiss and saying she loved me, I thought it was time to spontaneously pick her up from school for lunch and to have a little one on one time. It was amazing to see the change in her attitude after having that little bit of quality time. So after that day, I recommitted to doing this once a month with each child.
So today Isaiah had a little cute reminder alarm set on my phone while I was at work and it popped up saying, "Order Papa John's, come pick me up from school. And yes I really want to go." I thought that was so cute cause he knows how my mind works and I usually question myself thinking he would rather stay at school with his friends. So after the reminder, I did exactly like. Ordered Papa John's, picked him up, we went home and enjoyed some conversation and some funny tv. It is so fun to see each kid in that light of being alone and seeing how cute their personalities are. I appreciate that they still enjoy being with their mom. Isaiah is such a bright child. He knows WAY more than I ever did at his age. I really don't ever have to worry about him with most things. He is a little too wise beyond his years. He has an adorable smile that is contagious, and has the best personality. We have the exact same sense of humor and it is easy to enjoy time with him.
I hope to keep this up. I know that if my mom would have done something like this growing up, I would look forward to it every month. As much as I don't want to be one of those mom's, I'm going to say it- my kids definitely are my best friends. Knowing they go with their dad this weekend, makes me hold on tighter and not want to let go.

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2:15 PM
Labels: Isaiah, single mom
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
people watching

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2:56 PM
Labels: single mom
Monday, May 9, 2016
#singlemom #mothersday #divorce #laugh

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10:00 AM
Labels: single mom
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Busy being proud
This past weekend I was one lucky mama. My little sweetie pie had her first dance competition. Boy did it bring back so many memories for me. I grew up dancing and on the weekends competing. I was always overwhelmed and nervous, so I just expected that from her. But instead, she was calm and so excited. It was really fun to see it all through her eyes. She loved every minute of it and was soaking it all up. I sat and watched her as she looked around at all the dancers in their costumes and performing. She looked around as if she was in the middle of New York City looking around. It put a big smile on my face. She looked gorgeous and did great. She soaked it all up. She was so happy when her aunt Debbie and Grandma Karen walked in just in time to see her go on.

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10:34 AM
Labels: London
Friday, April 29, 2016
It takes a village.
My village was shaken to the very core. Everything that was familiar and comfortable was changed not only for me, but for my kids as well. I thank divorce for that. It came in like a tornado and destroyed all I knew, but when all was said and done and life stopped spinning what was left standing strong? . My parents, my sisters, my amazing family. My village. When I was thrown and knocked down, they kept standing. When I was weak, they were strong. These people had their own lives to live, bills to pay, jobs to be at, but you wouldn't know it by the way they chose to love my children and I. They never gave up on me while I gave up on myself. Numerous examples such as, showing up at my house to clean it when I couldn't do it myself, taking my kids as if they were their very own, feeding them, driving them to activities, doing their homework with them, hugging them when they were sad or hurt, reading to them, bringing me many meals, praying for me, inviting me over and over after being turned down, mowing my lawn, weeding my yard, paying for my bills, buying me a car, taking me to doctor's appointments, going to therapy with me, the list could go on infinitely. Who does this without anything in return? My angels. My village. Now that I am in a better place, their service hasn't stopped. I don't need as much support like I did before, but they continue to do these things that make me feel I am not deserving of such love. My kids are so lucky to have family that love them like they do. I am beyond lucky to have such love and compassion on a daily basis. My family is what life is all about. My parents are angels. There isn't a day that goes by that I wonder how I could ever repay them for all the many things that have done and continue to do, emotionally, financially, physically, and spiritually. The only thing I can do is continue to live the best life I can, by making them proud. I hope one day I can do more for them. But until then, I will continue to actively be their support. Not get caught up in my life, but live to serve them and enjoy them. Life is fragile and life is short. I have them here in my life today and I choose to proactively appreciate them.
Think about your village. What can you do for them today?

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11:00 AM
Labels: single mom