Okay so seriously in the past week or so, my stomach has gotten HUGE. I feel like I am seriously nine months pregnant. She is super high and it makes me so uncomfortable. My back has been soooo tight and uncomfortable, so today I just decided I am getting a massage. Not just a massage, but an hour and a half massage. Let's just say that went by like just a few minutes. If I had a ton of money, I would get massages weekly. Anyway, if I am carrying this baby for another 3 1/2 months, I deserve a massage consistently... okay I just convinced myself, now it is convincing Jake:)
We are moving this week, and I am super excited...
We took Isaiah to see "Santa Tause" (as he would say it) and he ran right up to his lap and was so excited to tell him what he wanted and as soon as Santa asked him, his mind went blank and he gave me the most confused face. He said, "I don't we-member." It was the cutest thing. I wish I had that on our video cam. Made my day.
Jake has been the shopper this year. He did the 4am shopping on black friday and has been doing it since.. My back and legs just can't do it this year. I am grateful that he is patient with me for the most part.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Grew ten inches..
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4:49 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
I came across a few random pictures on my parents computer, so I figured I would share with you all...
First pictures is my beautiful sisters..
Now is a BIG FAT PICTURE of me being 9 months pregnant, and KNOWING I was about to pop any second... looking miserable as hell:) But best of all, with my beautiful grandparents.
This is just a family picture we had taken that I usually wouldn't have let ANYONE see because I thought it was awful, however, I am now sharing it with you.. so enjoy..
This one is of my mother and I and a while back I put a poem about mother's on the front of it... but this one is always a keeper.
This picture was fun.. right after Isaiah was born we were at home and Jake took this picture and had fun with it on Adobe Photoshop. Soooo.. That's Isaiah and I..
Posted by
10:24 PM
Friday, November 16, 2007
Soooooooooo nothing new..
Okay well.. thought I should write and update but not much to write about except poor little Isaiah got the stomach flu. It is so funny how I was writing in my friends blog on how lucky we were to not have been sick in our house for quite a while, then BAM.... he woke up and started throwing up within an hour of writing that. I guess I should have knocked on wood. Poor little guy couldn't stop throwing up for a long time, then was fine all day yesterday and then woke up in the night again and threw up a few more times. How long can this bug last?
We are living at my parents still. We will be moving by December 1st. I am really excited. It seems like such a fun area.. I think it will be perfect for us.
I think I have the pregnancy hormones going crazy today because I have been crying about such dumb stuff but when it rains it pours! It is so hard to feel attractive while pregnant. I feel huge and uncomfortable. This little bunny is quite different than my 1st. Can't wait until she is OUT:) Counting down the days...
Posted by
11:33 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday best..
We put Isaiah in a little suit and he looked so adorable, we couldn't pass up on taking pictures. All the 12-13 year old girls kept saying hi to him in the hall and he just got a smirk on his face. I said, "Are those your girlfriends?" and he said, "No MOM!!! My teachers." I can't believe how old he is getting.. it seems like yesterday when we put him in nursery and he was frightened to death, now he runs the place. He is going to be a sunbeam in a month...
Jake and I are doing really well. I missed him while he went on his business trip to Chicago. We went out with his friends on Saturday night for his birthday and had a great time. I don't think I've laughed that hard in the longest time..
We found a great place to move.. so we are looking forward to that in 3 weeks.
We just had a check up on this new baby.. I'm 21 weeks, so at least I'm a little over halfway.. she is growing, which means my belly is growing.. wow I feel huge. I sat in the movie theater the other night and let's just say I acted like I was 9 months along.. I was SO uncomfortable and moved every second trying to find a way to sit still.. it was awful. I feel like I have every symptom a pregnant lady has... Soooo OVER IT! :) But we are excited for her to come out.
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1:04 PM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Age Ain't Nothin But A Number
My best friend Jen and I get together at LEAST once a week to do absolutely nothing but chat and watch a few of our favorite TV shows... and we have the two boys and we never know what to do with them cause they are on such different levels of entertaining... but Jen was smart enough to get the blanket out and put in a movie for them... they bonded so much and became best friends immediately (just like they were the same age)... it was adorable.. had to share.
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9:21 PM